
Export 81 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Buonamente M., Dindo H., Johnsson M..  2014.  Action Recognition based on Hierarchical Self-Organizing Maps. . AIC 2014. International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition
Roncone A., Hoffmann M., Pattacini U., Metta G..  2014.  Automatic kinematic chain calibration using artificial skin: self-touch in the iCub humanoid robot. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA). :2305–2312.
Novianto R., Williams MA., Gärdenfors P., Wightwick G..  2014.  Classical condtioning in social robotics. International Conference on Social Robotics. LNAI 8755, Springer:279-289.
Wang X., Williams MA., Gärdenfors P., Vitale J., Abedi S., Johnston B., Kuipers B., Huang A..  2014.  Directing Human Attention with Pointing. IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. :174–179.
Pointeau G., Petit M., Gibert G., Dominey P.F..  2014.  Emergence of the Use of Pronouns and Names in Triadic Human-Robot Spoken Interaction.. IEEE Int Conf Dev and Learning & Epigenetic Robotics. Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, Italy.
Hinaut X., Petit M., Pointeau G., Dominey P.F.  2014.  Exploring the acquisition and production of grammatical constructions through human-robot interaction with echo state networks. Frontiers in neurorobotics. 8
Dai Z., Damianou A., Hensman J., Lawrence N..  2014.  Gaussian Process Models with Parallelization and GPU acceleration.. NIPS 2014. Workshop on Modern non-parametrics: automating the learning pipeline
Soh H., Demiris Y..  2014.  Incrementally Learning Objects by Touch: Online Discriminative and Generative Models for Tactiles-based Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Haptics. 7(4):512-525.
Vouloutsi V, Grechuta K, Lallée S, Verschure PFMJ.  2014.  The Influence of Behavioral Complexity on Robot Perception. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Third International Conference, Living Machines 2014, Milan, Italy. 8608:332–343.
Evans M.H., Fox C.W., Prescott T.J..  2014.  Machines Learning-Towards a New Synthetic Autobiographical Memory.. In Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems . 8608
Wu Y., Su Y., Demiris Y..  2014.  A Morphable Template Framework for Robot Learning by Demonstration: Integrating One-shot and Incremental Learning Approaches. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 62(10):1517-1530.
Pezzulo G., Verschure PFM., Balkenius C., Pennartz CM..  2014.  The principles of goal-directed decision-making: from neural mechanisms to computation and robotics.. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society - Biological Sciences. 369(1655)
Verschure PFMJ, Pennartz C, Pezzulo G.  2014.  The Why, What, Where, When and How of Goal Directed Choice: neuronal and computational principles. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society - Biological Sciences. 369(1655)
Martinez-Hernandez U., Lepora N.F, Prescott T.J &.  2015.  Active Control for Object Perception and Exploration with a Robotic Hand.. Living Machines 2015: the 4th international conference in Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems . In Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Springer International Publishing.:415-428.
Martinez-Hernandez U., Lepora N.F, Prescott T.  2015.  Active haptic shape recognition by intrinsic motivation with a robot hand.. IEEE World Haptics. 299-304..
Moulin-Frier C, Sánchez-Fibla M, Verschure PFMJ.  2015.  Autonomous development of turn-taking behaviors in agent populations: a computational study. 5th International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics.
Jouen A.L, Ellmore T.M, Madden C.J, Pallier C., Dominey P.F, Ventre-Dominey J..  2015.  Beyond the word and image: characteristics of a common meaning system for language and vision revealed by functional and structural imaging.. NeuroImage. 106.
Martinez-Hernandez U., Boorman L.W, Damianou A., Prescott T.J &.  2015.  Cognitive architecture for robot perception and learning based on human-robot interaction..
Hinaut X., Lance F., Droin C., Petit M., Pointeau G., Dominey P.F &.  2015.  Corticostriatal response selection in sentence production: Insights from neural network simulation with reservoir computing.. Brain and language. 150
Buonamente M., Dindo H., Johnsson M.&.  2015.  Discriminating and simulating actions with the associative self-organising map.. Connection Science. 27(2)
Maffei G., Santos-Pata D., Marcos E., Sánchez-Fibla M., Verschure P.&.  2015.  An embodied biologically constrained model of foraging: from classical and operant conditioning to adaptive real-world behavior in DAC-X.. Neural Networks. 72(88-108)
Boorman L.W, Damianou A.C, Martinez-Hernandez U., Prescott T.J &.  2015.  Extending a Hippocampal Model for Navigation Around a Maze Generated from Real-World Data.. Living Machines 2015: the 4th international conference in Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Springer International Publishing.:441-452.
Lallee S., Verschure P.F &.  2015.  How? Why? What? Where? When? Who? Grounding Ontology in the Actions of a Situated Social Agent Robotics. 4(2)
Roncone A, Hoffmann M, Pattacini U, Metta G.  2015.  Learning peripersonal space representation through artificial skin for avoidance and reaching with whole body surface. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on.
Damianou A., Lawrence N.D, Ek C.H.  2015.  Manifold Alignment Determination. NIPS workshop on Multi-Modal Machine Learning.
