
Export 81 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Martinez-Hernandez U., Dodd T.J, Evans M.H, Prescott T.J, Lepora N.F.  2017.  Active sensorimotor control for tactile exploration.. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 87
WYSIWYD TEAM., Moulin-Frier C., Fischer T., Petit M., Pointeau G., Puigbò J.-Y., Pattacini U., Low S.C., Camilleri D., Nguyen P. et al..  2017.  DAC-h3: A Proactive Robot Cognitive Architecture to Acquire and Express Knowledge About the World and the Self. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems (submitted).
Dominey PF., Mealier A-L., Pointeau G., Mirliaz S., Finlayson M..  2017.  Dynamic Construction Grammar and Steps Towards the Narrative Construction of Meaning.. AAAI Journal (in press).
Gharaee Z., Gärdenfors P., Johnsson M..  2017.  Hierarchical Self-Organizing Maps System for Action Classification. ICAART 2017-International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence . :1-8.
Puigbò J.-Y., Gonzalez-Ballester M.A., Verschure P.F.M.J.  2017.  Learning Relevant Features through a Two-Phase Model of Conditioning.. IBM Journal of Research and Development. Special issue on Computational Neuroscience. (in press).
Hoffmann M., Straka Z., Farkas I., Vavrecka M., Metta G..  2017.  'Robotic homunculus: Learning of artificial skin representation in a humanoid robot motivated by primary somatosensory cortex'.. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems.
Prescott T.J.  2017.  Robots are not just tools.. Connection Science (in press).
Gharaee Z., Gärdenfors P., Johnsson M..  2016.  Action Recognition Online with Hierarchical Self-Organizing Maps. . Proceedings of the International Workshop on Human Tracking and Behaviour Analysis - HTBA2016.
Prescott T.J, Verschure PFMJ.  2016.  Action-oriented cognition and its implications: Contextualising the new science of mind. Where’s the Action? The Pragmatic Turn in Cognitive Science..
Ribes A., Cerquides J., Demiris Y., de Mantaras R.L.  2016.  Active Learning of Object and Body Models with Time Constraints on a Humanoid Robot. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development. in press
Martinez-Hernandez U., Rubio-Solis A., Prescott T.J.  2016.  Bayesian perception of touch for control of robot emotion. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :4927-4933.
Camilleri D., Boorman L., Martinez U., Damianou A., Prescott T.J..  2016.  A Bioinspired Approach to Vision. . Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS). :40-52.
Lepora N.F., Mangan M., Mura A., Verschure P.F.M.J., Desmuillez M., Prescott T.J..  2016.  Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Third International Conference, Living Machines. . Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence . 9793
Prescott T.J, Ayers J., Grasso F.W, Verschure P.FMJ.  2016.  Embodied Models and Neurorobotics. From Neuron to Cognition via Computational Neuroscience. :483-511.
Martinez-Hernandez U., Prescott T.J ".  2016.  Expressive touch: Control of robot emotional expression by touch. 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), . :974-979.
Nguyen P.D, Hoffmann M., Pattacini U., Metta G..  2016.  A fast heuristic Cartesian space motion planning algorithm for many-DoF robotic manipulators in dynamic environments, in 'Humanoid Robots. Humanoids. .
Buonamente M., Dindo H., Johnsson M.&.  2016.  Hierarchies of Self-Organizing Maps for Action Recognition.. Cognitive Systems Research. 27(2)
Camilleri D., Damianou A., Jackson H., Lawrence N., Prescott T..  2016.   iCub Visual Memory Inspector: Visualising the iCub’s Thoughts.. In Living Machines V:Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems . :48-57..
Dominey PF, Prescott TJ., al. et.  2016.  Implications of action-oriented paradigm shifts in cognitive science.. The Pragmatic Turn in Cognitive Science..
Martinez-Hernandez U., Damianou A., Camilleri D., Boorman L.W., Lawrence N., Prescott T..  2016.  An integrated probabilistic framework for robot perception, learning and memory.. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO). .
Gao Y., Chang H.J, Demiris Y..  2016.  Iterative path optimisation for personalised dressing assistance using vision and force information. . In Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), I. EEE/RSJ International Conference:4398-4403.
Fischer T., Demiris Y.  2016.  Markerless Perspective Taking for Humanoid Robots in Unconstrained Environments. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. in press
Mitchinson B., Prescott T.J..  2016.  MIRO: A Robot “Mammal” with a Biomimetic Brain-Based Control System. . Living Machines V: Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. :179-191.
Low S.C, van Wijngaarden J.B, Verschure P.F.  2016.  Modelling the Effect of Cognitive Load on Eye Saccades and Reportability: The Validation Gate.. In Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. :459-466.
Korkinof D., Demiris Y..  2016.  Multi-task and Multi-kernel Gaussian Process Dynamical Systems. Pattern Recognition.. Pattern Recognition .
