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Martinez-Hernandez U., Rubio-Solis A., Prescott T.J.  2016.  Bayesian perception of touch for control of robot emotion. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :4927-4933.
Martinez-Hernandez U., Prescott T.J ".  2016.  Expressive touch: Control of robot emotional expression by touch. 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), . :974-979.
Martinez-Hernandez U., Damianou A., Camilleri D., Boorman L.W., Lawrence N., Prescott T..  2016.  An integrated probabilistic framework for robot perception, learning and memory.. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO). .
Martinez-Hernandez U., Lepora N.F, Prescott T.J &.  2015.  Active Control for Object Perception and Exploration with a Robotic Hand.. Living Machines 2015: the 4th international conference in Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems . In Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Springer International Publishing.:415-428.
Martinez-Hernandez U., Lepora N.F, Prescott T.  2015.  Active haptic shape recognition by intrinsic motivation with a robot hand.. IEEE World Haptics. 299-304..
Martinez-Hernandez U., Boorman L.W, Damianou A., Prescott T.J &.  2015.  Cognitive architecture for robot perception and learning based on human-robot interaction..
Boorman L.W, Damianou A.C, Martinez-Hernandez U., Prescott T.J &.  2015.  Extending a Hippocampal Model for Navigation Around a Maze Generated from Real-World Data.. Living Machines 2015: the 4th international conference in Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Springer International Publishing.:441-452.
Lepora N.F, Martinez-Hernandez U., Evans M., Natale L., Metta G., Prescott T.J &.  2015.  Tactile superresolution and biomimetic hyperacuity.. Robotics, IEEE Transactions on,. 31(3)
Martinez-Hernandez U., Boorman L.W, Prescott T.J &.  2015.  Telepresence: Immersion with the iCub Humanoid Robot and the Oculus Rift.. Living Machines 2015: the 4th international conference in Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems . In Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Springer International Publishing.:461-464.