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Gharaee Z., Gärdenfors P., Johnsson M..  2017.  Hierarchical Self-Organizing Maps System for Action Classification. ICAART 2017-International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence . :1-8.
Gharaee Z., Gärdenfors P., Johnsson M..  2016.  Action Recognition Online with Hierarchical Self-Organizing Maps. . Proceedings of the International Workshop on Human Tracking and Behaviour Analysis - HTBA2016.
Novianto R., Williams MA., Gärdenfors P., Wightwick G..  2014.  Classical condtioning in social robotics. International Conference on Social Robotics. LNAI 8755, Springer:279-289.
Wang X., Williams MA., Gärdenfors P., Vitale J., Abedi S., Johnston B., Kuipers B., Huang A..  2014.  Directing Human Attention with Pointing. IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. :174–179.