WYSIWYD at Veni Vidi Vici. 20-31 July 2015. Sestri Levante, Italy.

Members of the WYSIWYD project participate at the iCub Summer School, "Veni Vidi Vici"
The school serves to consolidate and disseminate skills in software engineering for humanoid robots and hosts iCub and COMAN robots. Students receive training on the software infrastructure (middleware and tools) and are required to work on a project of their choice. This school offers a great opportunity for the WYSIWYD project to share knowledge and expertise inside and outside the consortium.
The school is hosted at the Fondazione Mediaterraneo in Sestri Levante, a town in Liguria, Italy (about 60km from the city of Genoa).

videos previous editions

iCub pong game from Vicky Vouloutsi on Vimeo.

A video displaying the iCub humanoid robot playing a game of pong in real time with a participant. The game is projected on the Reactable.

Veni Vidi Vici '13 : The iCub Summer School from Yoichi Matsuyama on Vimeo.