Barcelona Robotics meeting 2014


The Barcelona Robotics Meeting took place on March 22nd, at the Mobile World Centre facilities in Plaça Catalunya, in Barcelona. The event, organized by Fundació educaBOT included exhibitions, talks, workshops and competitions, all aimed at showing the general public how robotics will impact our society and our daily living. more info HERE

Among others, the group SPECS from the University Pompeu Fabra attended the Barcelona Robotics Meeting with an exhibition called “Toward Social Machines”. The exhibition showcased the sophisticated humanoid robot 5HW [iCub] in a “game play” demo that uses a biomimetic, brain-inspired approach to facilitate the realization of game like interactions between a social machine and humans, and adopts a mixed-reality interaction paradigm and a table-top tangible interface system called reactable which “per se” is a music instrument.

see media coverage

Robots humanos con emociones y empatía La Vanguardia
Un robot con aspecto de niño de 3 años, una de las estrellas de Robotics 2014  La Vanguardia
Crean un Roboto umanoide..... rtve
Un robot amb aparença d´infant, estrella al congrés mundial del sector